“Nomarchs Only Thread”

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Nomarchs Only, Avatars, Post # 362577
“Don’t silence me please.” - Spam Witched
Nomarch Popcorn, Avatars, Post # 362578
“This thread is for comments from those who are not Nomarchs on the concurrent discussion relating to the Nomarch position.” - Baltar
Spamish has left the Riddlers Keep dominion, Halls of Initiation, Post # 362590
“An old and tried stratagem that will fail you and your supporters should you rise up in arms against Sakkara. You have been warned.” - Anuminous
Anuminous has Stolen Chuma, Underworld, Post # 362640
“Why have you stolen my Chuma? I suggest you give it back. I do not appreciate coming on and finding myself dead for no reason and my items taken.” - Nefermait
Spamish has left the Riddlers Keep dominion, Halls of Initiation, Post # 362655
“You may return to the realm of the living by your own strength. I will be sleeping at the moment of your release. But just know that should you make an attempt at any of my personal or dominion’s stake, I promise you that it will result in the total ruin of you and your supporters.” - Anuminous
Anuminous has Stolen Chuma, Underworld, Post # 362664
“I find it incredible that Anuminous, a known spike, continues to harass a noncombatant. In another day in age Nefermait would be placed under someones protection and left alone unless the harasser wanted to fight a real battle.” - Canton
Anuminous has Stolen Chuma, Underworld, Post # 362669
“[Nefermait] Your Chuma has been returned; however, next time I cannot guarantee that I won’t let your dominion bear all the costs of repurchase.” - Anuminous
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An Anuminous creation hosted by Ankhet. 2015.