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Note: The sites listed below are not associated with Ankhet, and are provided as a reference only. By clicking on the links on this page you will be leaving Ankhet and we are not responsible for their content. In case of broken links or to inform us of a site you feel should be listed, please contact the Oracles using the Feedback link once you login.

Ankhet Chat - an unofficial chatroom where Oracles sometimes make an appearance on Discord

Ankhet News

Disciples Dispatch (4 issues, last September 9, 2015)

The Heraldic Handout (Last update January 21, 2014)

Archives (33 issues, last January 2, 2012; some missing)

The Ankhet Gazette (42 issues, last August 26, 2009)

The Ankhet Post (7 issues, last March 18, 2008)

The Ankhet Herald (4 issues, last November 14, 2007)

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